Lay Servant Ministries

Lay Leader: Judi Eastburn

Lay Servant Ministries is one of the most significant lay leadership development programs available within the United Methodist connection. Through this system of equipping and empowering, lay servants have the opportunity to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ and then go and help make other disciples.

Lay Servant Ministries can be a significant component of any discipleship system within their church. A lay servant serves primarily in their local congregation. This includes Pastor and council or charge conference; lay servants must complete the basic course for lay servants; on a yearly basis, lay servants must submit an annual report to the district to reapply annually; and they must take a refresher course every 3 years. This last requirement can be accomplished by taking any advance courses that are available during the year.

The Finger Lakes District Lay Servant Team is the “mentor” of all the lay servants in the district. This team meets every month, when needed, to discuss courses that will be available to lay servants during the year. During the past 5 years, this district has offered multiple courses to help lay servants grow in their ministry.

We are fortunate that our church encourages our lay servants to take advantage of the courses offered. The pastor and the Church Council have been supportive to all the lay servants.

The four lay servants in our church are: Judi Eastburn, local certified lay servant; Mary Louise Gallagher, local certified lay servant; Ronda Ketcham, local certified lay servant; and Pat Love, local certified lay servant.  All of them have taken time to take courses to serve as true disciples in our church.